Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Christmas Carol

Justin's 7th grade Language Arts class read a Christmas Carol and then each student had to write a speech accepting an invitation to Mr. Scrooges' Christmas party.  They had to make up a character and then write about 'their family' and what they did.  They presented it in front of the class and parents.  They had to be that person.  Justin was Mr. Cornelius King and he was a wealthy older man, who was married to Beatrice King, they had no kids.  Cornelius made birdhouses for a living and had inherited his money from his father.  Justin got the idea from my dad, since my dad loved to make birdhouses.  He did an awesome job and took the part very seriously, dress shirt, tie and even gray hair!
He wore one of my dad's favorite hats for the presentation. 

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